Effect of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganism


with rock phosphate and super phosphate on rainfed soybean grown on vertisals of central India



S.K. Dubey


DEPARTMENT OF SOTL SCIENCE & AG. CHEMISTRY, Jawahar lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa vidyalaya, Campus, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, 474007 India




k To evaluate the performance of phosphate solubilizing Micro organisms strains, specially Bacteria “Pseudomonas Striata Species” on Soybean grown under rainfed conditions of vertisols having low P status and Neutral pH.


k To test the capability of P_solubizing strains with rock phosphate and super phosphate.

k To evalute the possibility of using rock phosphate as a alternative source of super phosphate in vertisols having neutral pH.


k To assess, how much phosphate dose may reduce from super phosphate with the use of P-solubilizing microbial strains.