of Salamanca

Instructions for authors
Abstracts and presentations submission
Once registered for the First Virtual Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization, please send your abstract and presentation to the e-mail address below, clearly indicating the topic and section (see scientific programme) where it should be included

All registered participants can present a maximum of two papers

Please write your abstract according to the following instructions:

The title must be short and specific. Below the title, the following items have to be included: Authors,Organization, Postal address and
e-mail address.
Word document (extension .doc) for PC or MAC.
In English, grammatically correct and free of other errors.
Maximum 300 words.
Single-space all text.
Italicise Latin words.
Use standard abbreviations. Capitalise the first letter in trade names. When using abbreviations for compounds, spell out the name in full at the first mention, and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis.
Content: the abstract must contain a brief description of the object of study, results and conclusions.
No other attachments such as graphics or tables should be included (see

Please prepare you presentation according to the following instructions:

Powerpoint file saved as a normal powerpoint file extension (.ppt).
In English, grammatically correct, free of other errors and
with letter in type Verdana or Arial
Each slide should include a section for notes where a brief description of the work is made. This is important so that the other participants can follow the presentation.
The presentation file should not exceed 2Mb. Therefore the images should not exceed 75ppi (see


References should be cited in text according to the style pf Plant and Soil Journal (

Journal names are abbreviated according to Chemical Abstracts. Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references.

By sending a contribution, authors give permission to the Meeting Organization to publish it in the Web Page during the public exhibition of the works (period of open Congress) and in CD-ROM. However, the Intelectual Property will be kept by the authors. Works cannot neither be reproduced nor transmitted in any other format at all without previous authorization by their author/s.

The registration and presentation of contributions can be made before 15th September 2002

After this date Meeting will be available on-line until 31th December 2002


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